Tlogoguwo Village is one of the Village from 21 villages in the subdistrict Kaligesing Purworejo district of Central Java, has a geographic location of the contour of slopes and mountains. Livestock sector is the dominant sector in the presence Etawa, Tlogoguwo Village Area is the center Etawa farms that are the result of the Goat Breding Local India and goats that produce superior lamb or call now Etawa or more in the know with Goat STRAIN Kaligesing. Agricultural potential is also the leading sectors of society, Plantation Clove, Coffee, is partially supporting people's income in addition to the center of Palm Sugar Industry of household who is most of the work people other than as goat breeders. Has an area with a population density of the administrative villages have 7dusun Tlogoguwo ie hamlet Pagertengah, Tuksongo, Somoroto, Munggangsari, Gogoluas, Sibentar, and Kalilo. Location of village administration center located in the Village Head Office located in Kalikotak Tlogoguwo Hamlet Village Somoroto Tlogoguwo Kaligesing.
About the name TLOGOGUWO Tlogoguwo village area in ancient times is a combination of 3 vilagge.this area of 3 villages that started in the reign of the village chief Suro TINOMO Kamat, who served for 50 years over 6 months at the time. Got called several names before finally is set administratively to TLOGOGUWO region name, such as TLOGOGUWOKISKENDO, TLOGOREJOGUWO until it became TLOGOGUWO.Nama TLOGOGUWOKISKENDO itself is a translation of the picture area depicting a lake (in the Java language called "Tlogo") there are also many GOA (in the Java language called "Guwo") while Kiskendo is the name of the cave that is there at that time. From other sources there is a sense that comes from the word Kiskendo KIKIS (boundary) and Kedu (Name of residency in the southern region of Central Java), which more or less have a sense KEDU. VILLAGE AREA BOUNDARY TLOGOGUWO represents the border region of Central Java Kedu With Kulonprogo, DIY. History reign Tlogoguwo village area in ancient times is a combination of 3 vilagge. area of 3 villages that started in the reign of the village chief Suro TINOMO Kamat, who served for 50 years over 6 months at the time. Some of the village chief who once led the region in the past VILLAGE TLOGOGUWO before the merge into one village is Hargo SEDONO Wil Tlogo (now sub-Pagertengah Sibentar) SOMO SENTONO wil somoroto (now sub-tuksongo somoroto-munggangsari) and one K. Suro TINOMO a village chief longest reign since the mas there were no local regulations regarding the term of office as mayor at this point, namely a 50-year reign of six Bulan.Peringatan Golden K surotinomo at commemorate the Exhibition with Wayang Kulit Dalang Ki Hadi Sugito. After K Surotinomo TLOGOGUWO Village Government led by Sarto through village elections in 1986 and ended the year 1994.Pada devotion that time the term of office as Head of Village Local Regulations namely for 8 years for 1 period. Village Head TLOGOGUWO KEMAT is next to a term of 8 years, but since passed away on 7 years of dedication then replaced denganPJ to cover the period between 1994 till 2002 After 2002, the Village Head Position Tlogoguwo through Direct Elections Village Head Chief of the Village TLOGOGUWO on hold by Poniman (2002-2015). With Term Regulation of the Village Head who has undergone a change of legislation now before 1periode 8 year term of office of the Village Head For 1st Period to 10 Years. This article is a stub article and taken from several sources including former village headman Tlogoguwo Mr. Sarto and some resources, you can add in the comment section ...
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