Saturday, November 27, 2010

Traditional Medicine in goat diseases

Plant Poisoning
Cause: The Cattle eat grass or leaves that contain toxic substances.
The signs:
- Dying suddenly, mouth foaming, bluish on the mucous membranes, skin peeling / eczema or bleeding.
- Cekoklah livestock with young coconut water.
- Does not give poisonous plant or graze livestock in areas with a lot of growing plants that contain toxins.

Cause: A variety of worms due to a dirty cage or desert pengembalaan dirty.
The signs:
- Thin, feathers rather stand and not shiny
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Fatigue and pale
- Regional jaw looks swollen
- Sudden death
1. Areca nut flour mixed with warm rice clenched-fist and then forced to eat cattle. Livestock are encouraged to fasted beforehand.
2. Moringa leaves are burned old, then dust mixed with water and drunk. Treatment was repeated one week later.
- The cage is made of the stage and clean
- Pengaritan grass after the heat is on at 12:00 to 15:00 or pengembalaan cattle during the daytime hours of 10:00 to 15:00.
- Do not graze livestock on wetlands, rivers and rice fields.
Belatungan (Myasis)
Cause: Wounds that bleed area infected by the fly so that the flies breed (spawn) and produce larvae maggots.
- Existence of a moving maggots on the wound
- When belatungan on foot / scrambled it looks lame cattle.

- Clean the wound of maggots, then treat with mashed camphor or tobacco.
- Luka wrapped in a cloth / bandage to protect from the occurrence of new injury or dirt.
- The next day the wound cleaned, and wrapped again repeated treatment. Usually two or three times the treatment has cured
- When the maggots have terbasmi, tinctur iodine can be used to accelerate growth.
Scabies (Scabies) Cause: the parasite found in feces that occur because of dirty cages and animals have never bathed.
The signs: - Crust - the crust on the skin surface - Livestock always menggesekan the skin of the infected scabies - Hair loss, skin becomes thick and stiff
Treatment: Shave hair around the affected area, bathe the animal thoroughly with soap, then dry in the sun to dry. After drying can be treated by using: 1. Sulfur mashed, mixed with turmeric and coconut oil, then heated and rubbed on the skin of the sick. 2. Sulfur mashed and mixed with used oil and rubbed on the skin of the sick. 3. Camphor / camphor are crushed, mixed with coconut oil and smeared on the skin of the sick.
Prevention: - Livestock disease scabies should not be mixed with a healthy livestock. - Livestock newly purchased shall be free from scurvy - Bathe cattle every two weeks. - Clean the cage once a week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Diseases Goat Etawa

Several kinds of ailments that are often encountered in  goats "Etawa " based on the experience of farmers in central areas Etawa comes usually also find the handling is quite simple and easily managed by farmers themselves.

Although in some severe disease or abnormalities in Etawa indeed sometimes require medicines that must be purchased and referring veterinarian assistance.

Here I have to say some kind of natural cures and simple treatment that is often done by farmers when Etawa experienced some minor ailments.

Not infrequently Etawa often attacked by some disease on the body Etawa both outside (skin) and in goat's body itself.

Eye disease

This disease can strike  goat Etawa during unfavorable weather and a decrease in endurance goat Etawa, usually easily attacked by diseases of the eye.

For temporary treatment and first performed with betel leaf, salt and hot water, while the way of making the drug quite take 3 shett betel leaf, then pour hot water into a glass that is mixed by the salt, salt water mixed After these betel leaves us a bit cold 
compress / dab goat  Etawa into the eyes of those who contract the disease do 1 time a day for 2 days.

Cough illness

The disease is sometimes also attacks goat Etawa and usually accompanied jif in such a cold or flu, the disease is usually difficult to breathe and goats often like a human cough cough, cough on  goat Etawa disease sometimes occurs because food is a bit wet forage exposed to excessive rain water.

For treatment of this disease usually use rice breeders  "kencur", while the way he just took a few pieces of kencur pounded rice is mixed with hot water and then in love, after that Etawa Drinks into the sick after steeping rice kencur the cold.

Diseases Worms / Appetite Decreasing

Wormy disease almost always met by each  goat Etawa due to factors that normally bring food into the stomach worm seed Etawa.

For treatment of this disease are usually the perpetrators of breeders do preventative measures every 3 months by giving the beverage mix of black meeting with brown sugar, poor appetite If we can also use the meeting  black  is mixed with salt as a stimulant nafu eat, to the affected worms Etawa enough severe to very thin leaves should be given food jimitri for several days.

Diseases Itching / Korep

This type of disease usually affects the skin of the foot part, head and partial body ettawa goats, type of disease is easily transmitted to other sheep,

For treatment and first 
handling  should separate the sick Etawa this itch with the other goats and then we can take  how to heal  Lirang grain, used oil is mixed with cooking oil and salt, the mashed into powder and applied to the itching and pain, do several times until the ringworm sores dry.

Milk Sickness

Symptoms Milk swelling (ngrangkak) or do not come out of milk while breast feeding goat kids sometimes too often we meet.

To overcome this disease we could use a few cloves of garlic mixed with salt, finely crushed us in love warm water and create
compress / topical part.

Tetanus Disease

The disease is most difficult to treat but can in no way to prevention Many diagnostic, preventive  by way of the placenta by cutting a wet and a little long and then 
topical with turmeric to the end that is not exposed to the tetanus bacillus which is usually through the end of this placenta.

Diarrhea Disease / Diarrhea

The disease is also sometimes attacked Etawa which usually caused a kind of food or because of excessive eating goat forage fodder in the form of leaves that are still too young excessive

To overcome the disease Diarrhea in Etawa simply use the crown of the gods, if available in your area that god crowns can be used for diarrhea medicine, how it is to slice some fruit slices crown god then mix  with salt and hot water, shortly after the Cold Drinks the goat that was attacked by diarrhea or diarrhea, if your local hard to find fruit crown your god can do therapy with goat food mix guava leaves mixed with salt to taste.

There was some mild disease in type Etawa hopefully useful

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Agriculture Minister Visit the Post Master of Disaster Merapi

SLEMAN, DIY - To find out directly and dialogue with farmers and ranchers whose territory affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi, on 4 November 2010 the Minister of Agriculture Suswono accompanied by several officials of Echelon I Scope of the Ministry of Agriculture has visited Camp Parent-related Disaster Management held at Merapi Building BPM-CPM (Center of Development of Quality Seed and Feed), Purwobinangun, Jl.Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM 15, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta Province.

On the occasion the Minister of Agriculture held a meeting with Agriculture Department officials and the local farming and farmers and ranchers, to hear directly the post-eruption of Mount Merapi spewed hot clouds an adverse impact on agricultural activities including animal husbandry in the region. On occasion, the Minister of Agriculture, among others, received an explanation Head of Animal Husbandry Department Sleman, Sleman District Government Policy, which among others stated that the alert status of Merapi disaster, communities are encouraged to give priority to safety of their souls, whereas animals exposed to the hot cloud will get a replacement from local government. Until November 4, the number of cattle farms have been evacuated by the Office of Sleman Regency reached 296 birds.